Thursday, March 01, 2007

What Time Is It?

It's Yarn Pr0n Time!!!

OK, so you may have noticed Kris's fascination with sari silk. Since I was tired of my hanks of silk going missing, only to be found hiding in Kris's office (He likes to use it for experimentation with lighting and stuff), I made a decision. While I was visiting Mwelovett, I found some sari silk at the yarn store, and I decided that he needed some of his very own. So, I picked him up a hank of blue-toned sari silk that now has a home on his desk. Here are the first few pics of it.

And I know I promised progress shots of the Palette Cardigan, but, erm, I haven't gotten any yet. I also haven't really made any progress in a while. For some reason, I really haven't felt like knitting for the last week or so. Just a bout of knitting ennui, I think. I decided not to force myself to work on anything, knowing that if I make myself work on the sweater (or the blanket, or Kris's sweater, or my Simple Knitted Bodice, or even Hush-Hush or the felted entrelac bag... *blush*), I'll start hating the project, and it will end up a perma-UFO. I might start a pair of socks, just for something to do, but I haven't decided yet.



At 8:48 AM, Blogger Jessica said...

Now that is love...buying the hubby yarn. All men are jealous of him right now! ;)

Take your time with the knitting. I've only knit once this past week and that was only two rows of ruffle for a baby blanket!

Have a great weekend!

At 9:20 AM, Blogger sgeddes said...

Fun! Very bright and colorful.

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Pinkwool said...

How sweet of you to buy hubby some yarn to gaze longingly upon and to pet. :) So very pretty!

At 4:00 PM, Blogger Dk's Wife said...

That is very pretty. I mean, very, very pretty.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Kris B said...

The pictures are awesome, very pretty yarn. I haven't been getting much knitting done lately either :P.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger Batty said...

That looks gorgeous! An explosion of color. Beautiful!

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Pyewacket said...

What beautiful pr0n. I find it adorable that your husband steals your yarn. :)

Oh, and that Adagio gift cert generator in your sidebar is AWESOME. Gotta get me one of those!

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Rain said...

Wow, that's pretty. His photos are amazing.

At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, that's stunning. I adore the sari silk as well - it's like I don't want to knit it. I just want to take pictures of it. Delicious.

PS: I hate Comcast. Bastards.

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Bezzie said...

Oh that's gorgeous!!! I normally don't go for the sari silk, but that's beautiful! Kudos to Kris!


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