Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I Got a Present!!!

I opened my mailbox today to find a present for me from my lovely Knittyboard SP! Look at the goodies she sent me:

That is a ball of KnitPicks Palette in "Petal" - a gorgeous shade of pink, a very sweet note, a yummy-looking bar of dark chocolate (which I will be hiding from hubby), a little sheepy eraser, and 100g of spectacularly lovely roving in pinks and blues and purples. I absolutely need to practice with my spindle so that I can spin this and make something awesome from it.

The sheepy eraser will be keeping me company at my computer, and I think I have decided that the Palette will be stepping in to replace the ball of "Bark" I was going to use for the Lace and Fais Isle Pullover from the Vogue Holiday Issue. I got out the Lemon, Apricot, and Twig that I bought for it, and when I took the Bark out and put the Petal in, it went from so-so to really pretty.
Old combo - on the left, new combo on the right:

Suddenly, I really want to work on this sweater! Isn't it funny how just one ball of yarn can do that to a project?

Thank you so much, SP - I love my goodies! I hope you are having fun on your trip!

There was also a package today from Jimmy Beans Wool. This was the first time I had ordered from them, and I was impressed with their service. I got an email within a very short period of time letting me know that something I had ordered was out of stock and asking if I wanted to sub colors or wait for it to come in. (I opted to wait) Today, I received the package with the in-stock items (which are for my SP and will therefore not be appearing here) and they put a couple of peppermints in with it - how cute!

Oh! With the Olympics updates, I totally forgot to post pictures of the yarn I picked up when Jen and I went to All About Yarn on Monday.

I picked up two skeins of Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool in "Woad" (which totally appeals to the King Arthur fan in me), with plans to make myself a second Branching Out. It was such a nice denimy blue that I thought it would go really well with a lot of things.

I also found this gorgeous lace yarn - Ornaghi Filati Merino Oro in color 1208 - a wonderful deep red. No idea what I am going to make out of this, but it is going to be something challenging, just to be worthy of this amazing cobweb-weight lace yarn. (I'm thinking something from my copy of Folk Shawls) If anyone has used this yarn and has any suggestions/wisdom/warnings, I'm listening.

And finally, I could not leave without this amazing hank of Cherry Tree Hill Cascade Lace - 1000 yards of 100% silk in the "Gypsy Rose" colorway. I kept looking at it, and picking it up, and putting it back down, but I finally decided that I could not walk away without it. It needs to be something awesome, but I'm not sure what just yet. For now, I am content to just admire it.

I should probably go fold some laundry so I can go back to my Olympics project guilt-free. =)

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At 3:12 PM, Blogger Pyewacket said...

Oh wow, you have some gorgeous stuff piled around! Can't wait to see what you spin out of that roving. And the new color combination absolutely clicks.

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


YAY! I'm so glad you liked the package!

The trip is going well. Question: How do you feel about Hello Kitty?

And you know what's crazy? I have the exact same colour of the Merino Oro! I'm thinking of making the Field of Flowers shawl from Fibertrends?



At 7:56 PM, Blogger Trillian42 said...

I think Hello Kitty is adorable - reminds me of being a kid and having little Hello Kitty stationery stuff.

Field of Flowers, eh? I might have to go check that one out. Maybe we can have a mini-KAL once I know who you are. =)

At 10:59 PM, Blogger Zonda said...

Wow, that's a great package! Spin away!

Gorgeous yarn, now I know why you

...mustnotbuyyarn...hehe me EITHER! LOL! been bad, verry bad today...but some is for my SP :)

At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should check Eunny Jang's blog at

She has made three stunning shawls from Merino Oro (two of which actually from Folk Shawls). Now I will need to get this book.


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